Sincronía tonal en la interacción madre-hijo.

En el proceso de doctorado en el que estoy inmersa encuentro «joyas científicas» como esta: Tonal synchrony in mother–infant interaction based on harmonic and pentatonic series. (Sincronía tonal en la interacción madre-hijo basándose en la serie armónica y la serie pentatónica).

Es importante fundamentar el trabajo que hacemos, pero sobre todo es importante -a mi parecer- tener conocimientos del tipo de interacciones sonoras que ocurren entre las madres y los bebés para el tipo de acompañamiento que realizamos desde la música, desde la voz.

Tonal synchrony in mother interaction


Comparto con vosotros el abstract del artículo y la referencia bibliográfica para el que quiera leerlo completo (tan solo hace falta buscarlo en las bases de datos de la Universidad):

Van Puyvelde, M., Vanfleteren, P., Loots, G., Deschuyffeleer, S., Vinck, B., Jacquet, W., & Verhelst, W. (2010). Tonal synchrony in mother–infant interaction based on harmonic and pentatonic series. Infant behavior and development, 33(4), 387-400.

This study reports the occurrence of ‘tonal synchrony’ as a new dimension of early mother–infant interaction synchrony. The findings are based on a tonal and temporal analysis of vocal interactions between 15 mothers and their 3-month-old infants during 5 min of free-play in a laboratory setting. In total, 558 vocal exchanges were identified and analysed, of which 84% reflected harmonic or pentatonic series. Another 10% of the exchanges contained absolute and/or relative pitch and/or interval imitations. The total durations of dyads being in tonal synchrony were normally distributed (M = 3.71, SD = 2.44). Vocalisations based on harmonic series appeared organised around the major triad, containing significantly more simple frequency ratios (octave, fifth and third) than complex ones (non-major triad tones). Tonal synchrony and its characteristics are discussed in relation to infant-directed speech, communicative musicality, pre-reflective communication and its impact on the quality of early mother–infant interaction and child’s development.

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